Predoctoral Fellow in Ecology

Ecosystem Science & Communication
Exploring the Nexus of Climate, Communication, & Community
CV Highlights
Research Appointments & Professional Experience
Science & Management
Pre-doctoral Fellow | Agriculture & Food Research Initiative
Jan. 2022 - Present
NSF National Research Trainee | LandscapeU (Penn State)
Aug. 2020 - May 2023
Intern | Penn State Agriculture & Environment Center
Summer 2021
Pre-doctoral Fellow | USDA National Needs
Aug. 2019 - Dec. 2021
Secured and managed ~$180,000 in federal grant funding as Project Director
Led field and laboratory work exploring tree species' effects on forest biogeochemistry with expertise in greenhouse gas methodologies
Broadened research impacts by training interns and peers, demonstrating site for high schoolers, and exhibiting public outreach for PSU's Ag Progress Days
Trained as a transdisciplinary leader to address wicked issues at the nexus of food, energy, and water
Worked directly with community stakeholders to create tools that prioritize landowner parcels for targeted riparian buffer outreach in Centre County, PA
Co-authored manuscript on integrating graduate student voices into transdisciplinary graduate training
Conducted watershed implementation planning in two PA watersheds, from targeting priority project sites via windshield surveys and GIS analysis, to assessing restoration progress via stream surveys
Facilitated two-day symposium of local water quality joined by 100+ scientists, managers, and citizens (2021 Lancaster-Lebanon Watershed Forum)
Led authorship of a manuscript on integrating critical zone perspectives into U.S. national forest planning and management
Trained for 2 years as an interdisciplinary leader in forest management and its reciprocal role with science (for complete outputs and impacts, see USDA grant 2019-38420-28979)
Science Communication
Digital Content Specialist | Horn Farm for Agricultural Education
Summer 2019
Private Editor | Lancaster County, PA Area
June 2017 - Aug. 2019
Researched, penned, and designed online educational resources in fulfillment of strategic planning goals, including a Regenerative Agriculture primer
Prepared press releases for distribution to local newspapers and social media
Created written and photographic content for website and social media using search engine optimization strategies
Improved marketing materials through new design of brochures and displays
Prepared Geology and English textbooks through Macintosh editing software for iBook publication at Harrisburg Area Community College, including
English Essentials: Composition by Dr. Alfred Siha
Environmental Geology Lab Manual by James E. Baxter, P.G.
Edited engineering dissertation to APA style standards for successful defense
Copyedited NIH Small Business Innovation Research pitch for private sewage disposal company